Tar Remediation and Sheetpile Wall Installation
- Detroit, MI
- Excavation/Backfill,Demolition,Site Restoration,Water Treatment,Utility Identification/Protection,Sheetpile installation
Dozens of industries operated in this area from the late 1800’s including coking plants, iron and steel mills, and coal tar refining/manufacturing. The Great Lakes Legacy Act of 2002 allowed the EPA to partner with private entities to clean up and restore Great Lakes Areas of Concern. Honeywell International, owner of the former Detroit Coke property, partnered with the EPA for the remedial effort.
Health & Environmental Risks
PAH and BTEX impacted soil and groundwater throughout the property.
Historical Contamination and degradation byproducts present in soil and groundwater across the site.
Hydraulic connectivity between land and water impacted invertebrate species living on the riverbed as well as fish and wildlife.
For the EPA to undergo the removal of contaminated sediment via mechanical dredging, the ½ mile span of shoreline would need to be supported with a permanent Sheetpile Wall to prevent erosion of the riverbank.
Our Solution
Below water Pre-Trenching and utility identification along the Sheetpile wall alignment.
Installation of over 10 million pounds of steel to install the permanent sheet pile wall along ½ mile of shoreline, including a parallel anchor wall located 120’ inland tied together with 2.5” rods at 9-foot spacing.
Concrete Deadman Installation (using approximately 600 CY of concrete and installation of twenty 2’ diameter pipe piles).
Excavation of 80,000 CY of impacted soil and sediment for the installation of tiebacks between walls.
Backfill/Restoration with 80,000 CY of a combination of reusable excavation spoils and imported material.
Dewater, Control and Treatment of almost 10 million gallons of groundwater with direct discharge to sanitary sewer.